Some fact about mini laptop computer. Mini laptop computer focus in functionality and performance, generally used to office task not for gamer. Because these so small their costs are much lower, and popular among children and adolescents to finish their home work.
Keybord and many other technologies use standart laptop, but hard drives, line processors have reduced than standart laptop. The screens abailable from 8 to 13.3 inches, these can more attractive to many industry experts, more compact, and increase the portability.
Here’s some reason having mini laptop computer. Find that are very lightweight due to its small size is the first most obvious reason for us to buy it.
Select no more than 2kg so can fit in a purse or briefcase. Not takingsalaries of baggage that can be taken on board the flight if you travel a lot and can be made anywhere you travel.
Some people say when you buy a mini laptop computer is more expensive than laptop. Standart laptop is about $700 to $1500 now, and compare with mini laptop that you can expect to pay only $200 to $700 with many of the same features of laptop. Most of mini laptop computers are equipped with a wireless device and three USB port.
Sony VAIO mini laptop computer
There are many brand of mini laptop computer from popular manufactures. But recently Sony release their new mini laptop computer called Sony VAIO mini laptop computer which have only 638g, sporting Home windows vista, inbluit GPS, and 3G Cellular Broadband in overall view.
There are 3 major contenders, Sony VAIO SR Collection, Sony VAIO TT Sequence, and Sony VAIO P Series.
To buy Sony VAIO mini laptop computer, please visit Amazon Sony VAIO
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Yep, Sony vaio is really a good choice. I say this because I am now using one. =D